Thursday, January 24, 2013

Guess it!

 Find the name of the animals I give the definitions for.

1.    Large, pale brown, meat-eating cat
2.    River reptile
3.    Small fish tinned in oil
4.    Largest animal with a long hanging nose
5.    Goat-like animal living in mountains
6.    Tall animal with a long neck
7.    Ten-legged shell fish
8.    Large fish valued for food ( the flesh is orange pink)
9.    Horse-like wild animal of Africa with dark stripes
10. Man-size, tree-climbing ape
11. Bird with a hooked bill; can be taught to say words
12. Large, fast-running bird, unable to fly
13. Small thick-tailed animal living in trees
14. Sea bird of the Arctic seas
15. Shell fish whose shell sometimes contains a pearl 
In English the last four have another meaning as well, so I give you the second definition too

1.    Two-winged insect     /    to move through the air as birds do
2.    Main stem of a tree    /    long nose of an elephant
3.    Animals and birds hunted for sport and food    /     form of play, with specific rules
4.    Large, heavy animal with thick hair    /    to carry

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