Here you can read two
little poems on animals:
There was a young lady...
There was a young lady of Niger
Who smiled as she rode on a tiger
They returned from the ride
With the lady inside
And a smile on the face of the tiger
Why is the tiger
The Pelican
A rare old bird is the pelican
His beak holds more than his belican
He can take in his beak
Enough food for a week
But I’m damned if I know how the helican
(Dixon Lanier Merritt)
Pronounce this poem
correctly and found out what it says.
Find the name
of the animals I give the definitions for:
- Large, pale brown, meat-eating cat
- River reptile
- Small fish tinned in oil
- Largest animal with a long hanging nose
- Goat-like animal living in mountains
- Tall animal with a long neck
- Ten-legged shell fish
- Large fish valued for food ( the flesh is orange pink)
- Horse-like wild animal of Africa with dark stripes
- Man-size, tree-climbing ape
- Bird with a hooked bill; can be taught to say words
- Large, fast-running bird, unable to fly
- Small thick-tailed animal living in trees
- Sea bird of the Arctic seas
- Shell fish whose shell sometimes contains a pearl
In English the last four have another meaning as well,
so I give you the second definition too
1. Two-winged insect / to
move through the air as birds do
2. Main stem of a tree
/ long nose of an elephant
3. Animals and birds hunted for sport and food / form of play, with specific rules
4. Large, heavy animal with thick hair / to carry
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